Megaton Musashi Wired |OT| Let’s Com-Battle To-Getter Z OT (2025)

Megaton Musashi Wired |OT| Let’s Com-Battle To-Getter Z OT (1)

Platforms: Switch, Steam, PS4, PS5(crossplay for all platforms)
Release date: April 24, 2024 5PM PST
Price: standard, $50; deluxe $70 (deluxe upgrade is $25) digital only

official site:

Megaton Musashi Wired |OT| Let’s Com-Battle To-Getter Z OT (2)


Language, copy, or console, MEGATON MUSASHI transcends all borders!

Megaton Musashi Wired |OT| Let’s Com-Battle To-Getter Z OT (3)

Overview video:

Story trailer(with English theme):

Quick info:
This is an action game where you pilot a giant robot suit in a mysterious post apocalyptic world while collecting parts and chips to upgrade and personalize your mecha. The story mode is quite large and expansive, and there's also a set of online modes as well

This game is the first western release in the series, and is a combination of all the content from the original Japanese release Megaton Musashi and the FTP Megaton Musashi X(now ending with a content transfer option for those who did play it), plus a new story arc and new parts and skills. It contains all the story content of the original releases as well as X's 3v3 online mode. All MTX features from X have been removed, but the cosmetic dlc from its limited time events is available for purchase*(as of right now only confirmed for the Japanese release. Including the crossover Korone and Yokai watch navigators).

You can freely swap out your physical parts as you like on your suit and modify the colors.

Megaton Musashi Wired |OT| Let’s Com-Battle To-Getter Z OT (4)

There are also 9 weapon types(5 melee, 4 ranger) you can choose from. You also are able to customize the motherboard to choose your special moves and modify abilities

Megaton Musashi Wired |OT| Let’s Com-Battle To-Getter Z OT (5)

Collab suits:
There are currently 4 collab suits unlockable in the game: Mazinger Z, Getter Robo, Voltes V, and Combattler V. They are unlocked via challenge missions that become available in story mode once you reach a certain point. The site promises more to come but there's no precise info(however Grendizer which was added in X and in early ads for this game is currently not available. Unknown why but could maybe return later?). Would love to see some more 70/80's suits make it in.
Unlock info:
Both V suits get unlocked by the V family story mission that becomes available in Chapter 3. After completing it you get a set of both as low ranked versions and the mission gets a side mission version for grinding. Each suit has 2 exclusive special moves you can unlock.
Mazinger Z/Getter Robo each get an unlock mission. Rest is the same as V. Mid Chapter 7 is when they become available

Note: colors can't be changed for crossover units. Each mission also can reward a unique weapon for each suit

Megaton Musashi Wired |OT| Let’s Com-Battle To-Getter Z OT (6)

Megaton Musashi Wired |OT| Let’s Com-Battle To-Getter Z OT (7)

Tie-in anime global release:
Crunchyroll will be distributing, will change to a trailer or something when it release


What's in the deluxe edition:

This edition features the following extras:
- Limited-edition Rogues: Kurandi Delta, & Sir Wilde
- Limited-edition Weapons: Tempest Rider & Shell Holder
- Limited-edition Pilot Attire: Teru (Uniform), Ryugo (Uniform), & Reiji (Uniform)
- Limited-edition Victory Pose: Laughing
- Additional Premium Pass rewards
- Digital artbook containing unpublished reference materials (viewable in-game)

(Unless you want the artbook not a ton you need here. If you buy base there's a $25 upgrade pack if you change your mind later)

What's the deal with the battle pass:
For right now it seems to be a carryover from X. It's just material drops that refreshes at the end of the month. Nothing time limited or exclusive to worry about at the moment*
I already saw people playing on PS?
Deluxe edition gave 3 day early access on PS only. It's been buggy so you didn't miss much
Does the game support crossplay and cross progression?
Yes to both! However cross progression does require an epic games account

How do you get colosseum items?
They have a low chance of dropping in certain side missions. They are listed on the fourth mission info tab.

I have a ton of items, is there a quick way to dismantle?
Yes, go to the laboratory menu and go to the dismantle page. You can then press + and a filter menu will pop up. You can select rarity, which form it goes to and below what rank and it'll auto select all applicable parts. Then press the dismantle button and it's done(well after you've double checked)

At what chapters did the original Megaton Musashi and MM X end
Chapter 10(first To be continued, and New Game + unlock), and Chapter 20(second To be Continued cutscene)

Sorry it's a bit basic, just tossed it together on a whim. Happy to add more to it in general if anyone has anything to contribute. Same goes for FAQ. I went standard for anyone wondering. Wanted a place for us who are grabbing it to chat. And for online. If anybody has questions ask away

Well it's now live who grabbed it!

Megaton Musashi Wired |OT| Let’s Com-Battle To-Getter Z OT (2025)


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